Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jurassic Sunset

painted from life on my Nintendo DS.... this sunset had a very Jurassic feeling... the clouds and trees just felt "creaturish" and the colors were so nuclear sunsetish.... loved it! The sun! CRAZY! Tried to get the vibrance in the sun with the right color/value design... I hope you enjoy it!

Nickelodeon Pitch

Created these 2 characters (3 if you look close :P ) for a Nickelodeon pitch i worked on with a friend of mine.... nothing ever came of it, yet! It was a good idea, maybe we'll work on it again? Or maybe it goes in the bin to live with the rest of my ideas :)

Quick Portrait

Painted this guy quick to test a new brush i made.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Digital Painting Caricature

Another digital painting caricature of a work buddy, ROB! Done in photoshop with the same chalk brush Ive been using for this series. I captured exactly what I was looking for after a long battle with design! Capturing who you feel someone really is in a caricature is very mysterious and very rewarding, love it!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Brian Posehn Caricature Portrait

Found a pic online of Brian Posehn as a kid! Painted it quickly today for fun.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Sad Sun

Here is a quick concept I did of our sad sun.... powerful and loving, but in the end he must die, and so must the life he helped to birth. 

Inspired by "How the Universe Works". Images provided by the internets. (no i didn't paint this (it only took 20 minutes) its mostly photo collage with some small painting tweaks to quickly express something)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wizard of OZ concept painting on Odosketch

Here's my first color sketch on It was fun! I did this from my head just randomly. I love working within odosketches limits, I think it helps you learn. Obviously this is Wizard of OZ.
(This may load REALLY slow on slow internet shows the painting as I go, so it isnt just the final, so if you dont see an image, just wait, or go do something more constructive :) )